SGSMA 2026 –
June 1-4, 2026
Santiago de Chile, Chile
The broad electrification of the world economy, the continued deployment of renewables and the expansive means to reduce carbon emissions requires a reliable and resilient electric grid. Ensuring power system security and stability requires accurate, timely and verified synchronized measurements of time varying and noisy current and voltage signals, collected across vast electrical grids, numerous different electrical components and in the presence of volatile renewable energy sources. Synchronized measurements and their analysis support operational control and may enhance decisions in generation and grid investments. The infrastructure that enables, transmits, secures and stores synchronized measurements (incl. the cloud) becomes crucially important, too. The International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics 2026 (SGSMA 2026) is the leading forum for disseminating the latest research and innovations on this multi-faceted topic.
SGSMA 2026 Committees & Organizers
President: Mladen Kezunovic, Texas A&M University, USA
Secretary: Mario Paolone, EPFL, Switzerland
Hamed Mohsenian-Rad, University of California, USA
Carlo Muscas, University of Cagliari, Italy
Wanda Reder, Grid-X Partners, LLC, USA
Jaime Cepeda, CENACE, Ecuador
Joe Chow, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Payman Dehghanian, George Washington University, USA
Evangelos Farantatos, EPRI, USA
Guglielmo Frigo, METAS, Switzerland
Antonio Gomez Exposito, University of Seville, Spain
Liisa Haarla, Fingrid, Finland
Kevin Jones, Dominion Energy, USA
Petr Korba, ZHAW School of Engineering, Switzerland
Yilu Liu, University of Tennessee, USA
Chao Lu, Tsinghua University, China
Antonello Monti, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Lars Nordström, Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Sweden
Kjetil Obstfelder Uhlen, NTNU, Norway
Marjan Popov, TU Delft, Netherlands
Anurag Srivastava, West Virginia University, USA
Suresh Chandra Srivastava, IIT Kanpur, India
Glauco Taranto, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Vladimir Terzija, Newcastle University, UK
Andrei Zhukov, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Belgium
Hector Chavez, Univesity of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Karina Barbosa, Univesity of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Christian Becker, Univesity of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Umberto Verdejo, Univesity of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Matias Diaz, Univesity of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Claudia Rahman, University of Chile, Chile
Rodrigo Palma, University of Chile, Chile
Rodrigo Moreno, University of Chile, Chile
Ricardo Alvarez, Federico Santa María Technical University, Chile
Aldo Barrueto, Federico Santa María Technical University, Chile
Luis Gutierrez, Adolfo Ibáñez University, Chile
Lorenzo Reyes, Austral University of Chile, Chile
Miguel Torres, University of the Andes, Chile
Eduardo Viera, University of La Serena, Chile
Nenad Uzelac, G&W Electric Co, USA
Rannveig Loken, Statnett, Norway
Dianne Watkins, Luma Energy, USA
Technical Program Committee
Lead: Panayiotis (Panos) Moutis, City College of New York, USA
Co-Lead: Sara Sulis, University of Cagliari, Italy
PhD Dissertation Competition Subcommittee
Lead: Mihaela Albu, Polithecnica University of Bucharest, Romania
Co-Lead: Shuchismita Biswas, PNNL, USA
Panels Coordination Subcommittee
Lead: Rafael Segundo, ZHAW School of Engineering, Switzerland
Co-Lead: Jaime Cepeda, CENACE, Ecuador
Tutorials Coordination Subcommittee
Lead: Anamitra Pal, Arizona State University, USA
Co-Lead: Anita Oommen, Australia
Co-Lead: Kaustav Chatterjee, PNNL, USA
Markos Asprou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Sadegh Azizi, Leeds University, UK
Steven Blair, Synaptec, UK
Joe Chow, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Jeff Dagle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PNNL, USA
György Dán, Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Sweden
Asja Derviskadic, Swissgrid AG, Switzerland
Anamika Dubey, WSU, USA
Evangelos Farantatos, EPRI, USA
Antonio Gomez Exposito, University of Seville, Spain
Junho Hong, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
Ciprian Hosu, Western Power, Australia
Petr Korba, ZHAW School of Engineering, Switzerland
Chandan Kumar, POSOCO, India
Yilu Liu, University of Tennessee, USA
David Macii, University of Trento, Italy
Lars Nordström, Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Sweden
Patrick Panciatici, RTE, France
Dario Petri, University of Trento, Italy
Ferdinanda Ponci, Aachen University, Germany
Athula Rajapakse, University of Manitoba, Canada
Barry Rawn, Carnegie Mellon University, Rwanda
Reza Razzaghi, Monash University, Australia
Christian Rehtanz, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
Renata Rubesa, Hops, Croatia
Ankush Sharma, IIT Kanpur, India
Aaron Snyder, Enernex, USA
Gilles Torresan, RTE, France
Sergio Toscani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Kjetil Uhlen, NTNU, Norway
Nenad Uzelac, G&W Electric Co, USA
Luigi Vanfretti, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Mani Venkatasubramanian, Washington State University, USA
Yang Weng, Arizona State University, USA
SGSMA 2026 –